Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all ICT Services Section - Directorate of Communication and Information Technology | Sokoine University of Agriculture

ICT Services Section

The ICT Services Secion is dedicated itself to provide high quality IT services, primarily to the Sokoine University of Agriculture.

Efficiency and effectiveness is highly considered by improving the provision of ICT services. Setion has the head who is responsible to make sure that day to day activities are running efficiently and effectively.
Roles and Functions
  1. Provision of the technical support to the university community
  2. Managing of help desk, data centre and computing services
  3. Offering technical support to those organization/companies that are tasked to accomplish any ICT service within the university
  4. Support of ICT usage and data security on university campuse
  5. Coordination of job requests (entry time for request, job schedule, staff allocated, feedback)
  6. Managing network systems and infrastructure.
  7. Maintenance and repair of hardware and other IT infrastructure to support smooth running of computer systems and applications.
  8. Develop and maintain links with computer systems within and outside the country for the purpose of data communication.
  9. Co-ordinate the acquisition, installation and use of computer hardware and software in the University.

Staff Members

ICT Services section has a total number of 12 staff members and their roles as follows;

1 Mr. Kundasen Swai Head of Section
2 Mr. Shubert Mkisi ICT Officer
3 Mr. Enock Ndege ICT Officer
4 Mr. Stambuli Mtogo ICT Officer
5 Ms. Evetha Rechard ICT Operator
6 Mr. Marwa David Mgesi Assistant ICT Officer II
7 Mr. Frank Ernest Mwago computer System Analyst, ICT Officer
8 Mr. Greyson M.Nyombi. Assistant ICT Officer I
9 Mr. Peter .P. Munisi. ICT Officer I