Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Lazaro Adolf Luhusa - Directorate of Communication and Information Technology | Sokoine University of Agriculture

Lazaro Adolf Luhusa


Email: lazaro@sua.ac.tz, lluhusa@gmail.com


 SN Degree, Certificates, and short courses Location  Time
  i Degree, MSc Computing Science University of Groningen, Netherlands  2008 – 2010
 ii Degree, Bachelor of Science with Computer science University of Dar es salaam  2001 – 2004
 iii Short Course, Workshop on Optimization technologies for Low-Bandwidth Networks The Abdus Salaam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy October 2006
 iv Short Course, Managing an Academic Network Infrastructure University of Groningen, the Netherlands  June 2005








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Sokoine University of Agriculture, Computer Centre,Morogoro ,Principal ICT Officer II (since 2005 up to date).

Responsibilities and Achievements

3.1 Leadership skills (Head of section, Educational Technologies (ET))
• Ensuring ICT policy, ICT security policy, Disaster Recovery Planning(DRP), Business Continuity Planning (BCP), ICT strategy, ICT security strategy are established and operated
• Supervise and enforce management documents towards the mission and vision of the University
• Ensuring information systems and network infrastructure are working efficiently.
• Ensure resources are available to support ICT activities
• Respond to ICT auditing queries

3.2 Management of information systems
Participated in several software projects as follows;
• Development and management of University Information Systems
• Development and management of Electronic Document Management System
• Development and maintenance of electronic repositories
Mainly, my role is to supervise requirements extraction, requirement analysis and specification, software design, implementation, testing and deployment

3.3 Management of ICT infrastructure
The University ICT infrastructure is a very large infrastructure which supports not less than ten thousands(10,000) of users(students, staff and guests).
• As technical IT team leader, developed reliable, available and secured IT infrastructure.
• Ensure data backups and restoration of data.

3.4 Development and maintenance of the University wide website
As technical IT team leader, developed and maintained the University Wide Website built in combination of technologies such as Drupal, WordPress and Joomla.

3.5 Development and maintenance of e-repositories using DSPACE technology

Repositories are electronic containers for documentation and sharing of information related to a scientific researches, technology and innovation.
• As technical IT team leader, developed and maintained Tanzania Climate Change Information Repository (TaCCIRe). This repository provides access to research information on climate change relevant to Tanzania. It includes a wide range of documents such as policy documents, scholarly articles, technical reports, and theses.
• Also developed SUA Institutional repository (SUA IR). This repository was aimed to collect, preserve and disseminate scholarly output generated by University research community (staff and students) members. This repository hosts a variety of openly accessible materials including: scholarly articles and books, theses and dissertations, conference proceedings and technical reports.

Created Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and software Design Document (SDD) for the establishment of the following information systems at Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MoEST) and Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) respectively
Scholarship portal
School accreditation system
Identification and promotion of inventions, innovations and traditional knowledge practices
Teachers admission system
Publication distribution portal
Revenue management system

o Invited Member, computer center board
o Member, SUA Gender policy Committee
o Member, University-wide Web Site Committee
o Member, ICT Steering Committee